The secret to finding peace is to bring your life into line with the will of God.
Sound too simple? It is and it isn’t. Let’s look at the definition of peace. Okay, technically there are about 10 other definitions of peace out there, but for the purpose of this blog post, this is the one we’re looking at.
Peace: noun -- freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquillity; serenity
Now, doesn’t that just sound nice? I picture myself sitting in the middle of a secluded meadow—white daisies dancing in the wind. The sweet smell of sunshine wafting in on the breeze as white puffy clouds slide across the sky. Yeah—my peace can look pretty hokey.
Back in September 2010, I was far from at peace. One night, out of the blue, my husband calls (he was on TDY) to let me know that we’re moving. To Hawaii. At the end of the year.
Now, as people heard about this, I started hearing all the “Wow! You’re lucky!” and “What are you going to do with all that sunshine?” and “Aren’t you excited?”
Excited? Are you kidding me? I’m going to move to a tiny island a few thousand miles away, cut off from my family and friends. I was going to be several hours behind everyone, so it wasn’t even like I could just jump on the phone to chat whenever I wanted. I had goals. I had plans. And with this change, they weren’t likely to happen. What about church? I was finally getting involved. I’d just made friends with a wonderful group of like-minded women and I was LEAVING?
I fretted and fretted, and then fretted some more. My husband knew I was upset and told me that if I didn’t want to go, then he could try to apply for an extension of his current station. I just didn’t know what I wanted to do.
I began to look up everything I could find about the military and Hawaii. I worried and stressed and put off everything else I had planned. Later that night, I was obsessing while researching on the computer (THERE’S NO SONIC! Or Olive Garden, or Kohl’s), when something inside gave me a little nudge. I still hadn’t done my Bible study for the evening. I ignored it, pushing it aside in favor of more reasons to hate Hawaii.
A small voice continued to push me. I needed to do my Bible study. Finally, I gave in. I turned off the computer, pulled out my Bible and the study, and sat down on the couch. With a group of women from PWOC, I was working my way through a study on knowing the will of God. Thus far, it had been quite interesting, but I hadn’t exactly had any epiphanies.
That was about to change.
Off the top of my head, I can’t remember the exact subject of the study that day, but I do remember the Bible story associated with it. The majority of Genesis 22 is the story of God telling Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. Abraham takes Issac up on a mountain with full intention of following through, but then God provides him with a ram instead.
I don’t know exactly why, but that story hit close to home. I felt that the Holy Spirit was telling me—this is God’s plan. I had to give up all that stuff that I wanted, that I worried about, and give it over to God. I had to follow His plan, and in turn, He would show me great things. If I was willing to make the sacrifice, God would provide.
I bowed my head and prayed. Immediately, a sense of peace washed over me. I was going to Hawaii. More than that, I was EXCITED to go to Hawaii. Gone was the worry, the anxiety…the obsession. In its place was a peace that only God could provide.
“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7
Can you name a time that you started out anxious and then felt that supernatural peace?