Monday, April 4, 2011

False Peace

                                      What do I put my trust in?  This is both a hard and an easy question.  I use to put my trust in myself.  After all, I thought who better than me to know what makes me happy and at peace.  I did this by trusting in the world and what it had to offer me.  At times, money was my security. I believed the lie that more money brought me more stability, so I spent a lot of time trying to secure happiness in it.   I quickly learned that wasn’t the case after ending up discontent and never satisfied with enough of it.  Money comes and money goes.  At other times, I put my trust in needing an identity, thinking it would bring me validation.  I strived to have a name and a title. After all, wasn’t getting an education and being someone what I was taught?    After seeking an education, getting a job and a title, I was still left empty.  Status and titles don’t necessarily bring you peace, but rather more stress.  People and relationships was another avenue that I depended on for my happiness.  I looked to people to make me happy and fulfill areas in me I needed.  However, people disappoint because they’re only human.  Many failed relationships and friendships left me empty and lonely.   As a woman, I was tempted to place my happiness in beauty, so I would spend hours at the gym, or on the latest diet so that I could feel pretty or worthy.  It didn’t help that I was reminded of this pressure because America spends millions on this industry to pressure women into believing they have to obtain this false Barbie image.   Now that I’m almost 40, I realize that I spent wasted time and money in such matters-never obtaining this look.   Physical beauty fades, but inner beauty is lasting-I don’t have to spend a dime for that or starve myself!  There are a variety of ways that we can get caught up in false peace. Satan is an expert at leading us down dead-end roads that leave us confused, lost and lonely.
            All of these areas became areas of false peace! They were desperate attempts to gain happiness and security in my life, but I’d find myself never really at happy.  Instead, I felt depressed and feeling more like a failure than when I started.  I marvel at the fact that God allowed me to choose each one, but knew in the end, I would choose Him. His thoughts and ways are always higher than ours and that is why I have come to trust Him for my real peace.  Too bad, I didn’t ask Him from the beginning for this peace, because it really is that simple!  False peace has the potential to change in a moment’s notice.  You just have to look at the world today to know the world’s economy is constantly changing, so if your hope is in the success of your finances, I suggest you make a more eternal investment-Jesus!  Also, people and the standards for beauty, success and titles is another false idol we go after.  In the end, it fails us.   I am sure if you asked most of the beautiful, successful Super Models if they ever thought their fame, beauty and fortune would last forever, they would probably tell you yes.  However, it doesn’t.  Same goes to the top gurus in business and finances. 
            Life can change in an instant, and we quickly learn we aren’t in control. Psalm 20:7 says, “
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” True peace comes from within and it begins with knowing the One who gives it.  His peace remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, while everything else fails.
             Do you trust in chariots and horses that can run away? What things do you trust to bring you peace ? Could it possibly be false hope and peace you are relying on?  I encourage you today to exchange your false peace for the peace that lasts forever…God!  May you have true peace as you start out your week!:)

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 20:7 was a memory verse for the Bible study I did last fall. Great post! There are so many things in this world that offer false peace--the world can be very enticing. However, it never lasts and ultimately leaves us even more unsatisfied. Still searching.


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