Monday, January 3, 2011

Women with a Purpose

The other day, in one of those rare moments of boredom, I was flipping through the TV channels and came across one of those reality shows with a bunch of women in the same house for whatever reason. These shows have never appealed to me, but I paused for a bit. Needless to say, I was a bit appalled. The women used every opportunity to tear each other down, sneak behind each other’s backs, and cause general chaos and dissent within the household.

Of course, this show is for TV and so somewhat embellished. However, I don’t think it’s too far from the truth when it comes to women today. We are constantly being pulled this way and that to keep up with what society thinks we should be—from the bone-thin models in magazines to the stereotypical fast lives of the rich and famous. Throw in the advances in technology, the disintegration of the traditional family, and a general breakdown in relationships/communication, and it’s no wonder women have lost who they are. Their joy. Their hope. Instead, we are in competition with one another to come out on top, to be better than the next.

It’s a sad sight to observe.

But what is one to do about it?

Kimchi and I want to help remind women of who we are and unite us under a common mission in this life. Yes, we are Christians, and this blog is from a Christian worldview, but the blog in its entirety is for all women, regardless of religion or any other walls that society would build between us.

We chose the title Encourage. Empower. Extend. because it encompasses our main goals. We want to ENCOURAGE women in light of everything they face on a daily basis as there is so much that strives to tear us down. We want to EMPOWER women with knowledge and goals that are in line with who they are, not what society wants them to be. And we want to see those same women EXTEND that freedom of encouragement and power to other women, so we can stand as one with full knowledge of who we are.

January is our launch month and what better way to celebrate than with a party! We’re going to have a full month of fun, friends, and fabulous prizes! This week and next, Kimchi and I will be introducing ourselves and our mission, along with hosting a couple of giveaways. The last two weeks, we have invited guests to share their perspectives on women today—and give away a few more prizes!

We enjoy feedback, so don’t hesitate to comment on any of our posts.

Welcome to Encourage. Empower. Extend.


  1. I am really looking forward to following this blog. It will be a help to so many women! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ralene (and Kimichi), this is a fantastic undertaking and I wish you all the best in its success <3

  3. Congrats on the new blog. I wish you all the best!

  4. Thank you ladies! We're excited to have you join us for the fun!


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