As I write this, I’m looking at the winter wonderland just outside my window in Kansas. The beautiful snowflakes continue to fall covering the ground with a perfect, fluffy white blanket. It seemed like just yesterday, we were experiencing sweltering high temperatures and humidity; and today I am snuggled warm in my home with the fireplace roaring and a cup of coffee in hand. It reminds me of how quickly seasons change.
As women, we too experience these drastic changes. One minute, we are single enjoying the freedom that life brings with being independent and exploring the possibilities of the future. Next, we are thrust into a world of marriage, kids, car pools, play dates, laundry, cooking dinners and all while still trying to somehow keep a little part of ourselves within. Sometimes, I find myself wondering what happened to me. I use to be this organized, calm and sophisticated woman who had hopes and dreams but somewhere it got lost in the mix of diapers, grocery shopping and caring for everyone else’s needs.
Don’t get me wrong, being a wife and a mother is fulfilling to me, even more than I ever thought it would be; but there are times that I wonder if this is all there is for me, certainly not. Am I called to more than just mopping floors, wiping snotty noses and pouring coffee for my husband? I would like to believe yes, I am. However, we forget that our seasons are part of the overall journey we are on. We shouldn’t discount any of them, but rather embrace and learn as much as we can in each. There is a next season, by the way, just ask any mature woman who has already done the Brady Bunch mode.
Until we get to that next season, we must remember to encourage ourselves and those around us who might need it too. Everyone needs encouragement. It is an important part of our maturing and growing process. In the Word of God, Thessalonians 5:11, it says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” God knew we would need to help one another get through life because it is challenging.
The sad thing is in today’s world, there is not a lot of encouraging going on among women. Just as Ralene mentioned in a previous post , there is more tearing down and division taking place due to jealousy and hatred. However, we have a choice to choose people and things in our lives that will help encourage us daily. What exactly is encouragement? I researched the original Greek and Hebrew meaning to the word “encourage” and I came up with the following possible definitions; to encourage someone means to urge forward, to exhort, to strengthen, to teach, to comfort, and to make firm. I simply love these definitions.
It empowered me to know that when I encourage myself or others I am strengthening myself or setting myself firmly in my life! Wow, how powerful is that? How should we encourage one another? I believe encouragement starts with the truth of God’s Word and taking hold of it. We do this by meditating on it and applying it to our lives. This will comfort and strengthen you daily. Especially on those days that life seems to be dragging by and you are tempted to lose sight of the ultimate goal ahead. Another way we can encourage ourselves is to keep positive people around us. There is nothing better than to have a friend who is quick to listen, encouraging and who speaks words of affirmation to you. Have you ever received a compliment from a friend or even a complete stranger whose words washed over you like refreshing water? I know I have. In fact, sometimes those very words were the very thing I needed to encourage me.
Never underestimate the power of encouragement. In fact, let it be something you seek afterward daily. What are some ways you need encouraging today? What are some ways that you can be an encouragement to others today? Let your words be healing to yourself and then take that blessing and pass it on. Ralene and I’s goal for this blog is to help be a source of that to you daily. We want to be that best friend who meets with you at your house over coffee. We don’t care that the children are running wild and the house is a mess. The important thing is that you realize that you are someone special worth talking to and worth giving hope to. Be encouraged today and always that you are someone born with a purpose and your life matters! Have a great Monday…..
I, too, sometimes grow weary in this "Mommy" season of my life. Being a good wife and mother in my particular household requires me to project so many qualities that do not come naturally: patience, quietness, kindness, tirelessness, and remaining softly spoken.
ReplyDeleteMy encouragement often comes directly from the Lord in the form of beautiful sunsets, sun-dappled autumn nature walks, and sweet smiles from my children.
I've had to learn to be 'simply pleased' in order to receive these strengthening presents that He leaves on my daily path. Do I have to be swept off my feet, or will merely having indoor plumbing do?:)
As I've tuned into the simple blessings of my life, I find that circumstantial complexity passes me by. Thanks be to God!
Well said, Ana! We must learn to be content in the everyday! Thanks for sharing. Looking at the simple hugs from God are a great way to get us through each day. I love that you talked about sunsets being one of them- so true! :)