Saturday, February 11, 2012

Old Fish and Law Stink--Grace is Refreshing!

Saturdays for me are usually spent cleaning, relaxing with the family and getting caught up on things that I didn’t get accomplished during the week.  One thing I love about Saturdays is that it also gives me a little extra time to linger over God’s truth because I don’t have homeschooling to deal with and Craig is at home to help me with the kids.  So, usually I take a cup of coffee and hide( yes, hide) in the office for awhile—secretly hoping the family won’t miss me.

Today, while on my little sabbatical I came across some exciting encouragement and I’m hoping it will speak to you as much as it did me.  In fact, the more I pondered it’s depth of richness, I had to get on here to share it with you.  If you haven’t figured it out  by now—I’m a communicator.  I’m a giver by nature and want to share all that God gives me.   It can be a de-fault but my intentions are not to drive you loony like I do most of my family and friends but to encourage you along your journey with Jesus.  

Recently, my eyes have been opened up to law and grace constantly being at work in the scriptures.  Duh, you might think, but honestly I guess I had never really taken a look at it in such detail of how much law is really at work in the Kingdom of God even today.  The more I read through God’s word the more I see law and grace battling head to toe with one another.  The good news is that Jesus fulfilled the law and we are not required to live under the law but under grace!  Can I get an, Amen! Truth will set you free, this is what this blog is about today!

In Mark 6: 30- 44, we see Jesus performing one of His greatest miracles with the feeding of the five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish. Who doesn’t love this story? I mean c’mon—it’s awesome!   I’ve read this scripture a dozen times over but have never seen it the way I did today.  This is why I love God’s word because it is active and living and speaks to me differently each season of my life!  Today, the whole law and grace thing came up again and I was amazed with what God was showing me.  Let me try and explain.  Bare with me, I’m not a woman of few words….-lol.  Basically, in this passage the law is speaking to us by telling us in verses 35, 36 and in 37.  What do I mean by this?  The disciples are giving out explanations, excuses and boundary lines to why they can’t feed these massive crowds.  This points to the law which says, “You can only do this because…” The law brings condemnation, saying you're not enough. Basically, the law wants us to feel confined, controlled and limited to our abilities in this world.  It steals all hope and joy from us. Law makes you shrink back and feel defeated. The law is out to kill us spiritually! It kills the anointing of God! It robs of us are freedom and paralyzes our gifts that God gave us to minister freely.

  However, grace speaks to the law and actually supersedes it, saying just the opposite—you DO have the power to overcome your own limitations--through Jesus! It speaks life and hope to us!  It encourages us in power and in truth. It frees us and positions us for the impossible-hello! Can I get an amen!   In this particular passage of scripture the grace being given is by Jesus when He says in verse 37, “You give them something to eat.” In other words, He is saying to them, “ I don’t care what the natural is presenting to you, I have the ability to supply you with grace and hope for much more than you could ever imagine!”

  I simply LOVE that about Jesus!!  He has them count their loaves and tries to have them reconsider their position.  In other words, take hold of their rightful positions by faith! Still,  they respond in verse 38, “ Five –two fish.”  Their weak answer says- it’s impossible, Jesus- this is all we  have!  However,  Jesus with  His grace and compassion kicks  in and immediately has them step by step act in faith showing them the way to His grace and provision. He points them past their law mindset and shows them grace in abundance and He multiplies their lack of supply with His supply of grace!

                Why am I excited about this? For many reasons.  First of all this passage points to God’s character of Provider! Secondly, it points to God’s character of compassion!  Thirdly, it points to God’s power and the grace that comes with that.  People, here me on this—we need to learn to tap into God’s grace that is available to us daily!!  Don’t look at your mere 5 loves and 2 fish, but look past what the law, world and your circumstances are telling you and tap into the grace provided to you by Jesus!

Just as Jesus told the disciples  that they  did have the ability to feed them—I’m reminding you today  and asking you to reconsider your position in Christ!   You too have what you need to overcome your limitations and circumstances!! Take hold of the grace in your life and put the law to death! Don’t look at the law or your circumstances and what Satan is telling you is impossible!! Instead-- choose grace and believe it is there for the taking! When you do, —you can tap into the miracles of God , too!   Am I the only one excited about this good news of grace and hope of Jesus Christ?  Law was put to death, Jesus overcame all natural law of death and was resurrected on the cross! You, too, have that same power residing in you today if you are a believer  but you have to rest on grace and choose grace not law.   For His grace is more than sufficient for you, for when you are weak He is strong!! How can you do this, apply the truth to your mindset and circumstances-believe the provision is there and wait for God to minister the grace to you daily.

What miracle do you need Jesus to perform today?  Do you only have five loves of bread and two fish staring back at you saying that you can’t do this?   No matter what your supply is or lack there-of—God can perform a miracle in you and provide all you need so that you too can feed five thousand in His name, meaning feed people with His truths and hope for something better.  Put to rest the law that condemns you and tells you there is no hope and you can only go this far in life.  Jesus came so that you can have life-ABUNDANTLY!    Open up your eyes and see grace at work—IT’S THE HIGHEST LAW out there!!  Walk in grace--it's the only way to do overcome all that God needs you to do for the Kingdom.  Read  God's truth and increase your faith. The result is  you too will have more supply then you ever hoped for but spiritually and physically.

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